Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Don't rain on my parade!"

Welcome to my blog. Today will be the first day of many to come, where you can get into what is lurking in this crazy head of mine. I have to say Sidney got me into this whole blogging online thing as I had not thought of it. Well here goes. I am currently working on what is my co-workers job because she is on vacation (3 weeks)! I have to say it has become a little more challenging than I thought. It is frustrating to say the least but I know it's not anyone's fault in the matter, we do our job and we have to do it right as simple as that. It seems I might have made some people not like me. Why? do you ask, I honestly don't know and only they do but I'm not letting it change who I am. You either like me or you don't as simple as that. I might come off sometimes as a know it all but it's not that way, I might be a little self centered but it's because I know of my potential and I always try to reach it to it's maximum. So if you don't like me SORRY! I am a very happy person who is content with her job and life outside work (yes I have one, though my cousin would say otherwise) :/ So NO don't waste your time and rain on my parade because I will be prepared with a rain coat and silly looking rain boots!

1 comment:

Erick said...

Great blog! can't wait to see what else is in that crazy head of yours ;)