I try not to talk much about my views as I am very passionate about them and well my passions are not everyone else's. I just can't agree with all that is going on around me and I guess that is what makes me who I am and different than everyone else. I don't understand how there are so many people in the world fighting about things that make no sense to me but are so important to them. One of the recent things I've seen is some Christian groups who campaign against companies who sponsor gay americans.
I am a Christian so don't get me wrong, but I think the world has more serious problems than the many gay people out there. Listen it's their life and they choose to live it the way they want to. You can't change them all you can do is offer them a helping hand, the best way to bring someone to God is to extend your hand in friendship and not judgement. How do you expect God to have pity on you and not judge you for your sins that you commit everyday but yet you judge others for their mistakes? It's funny I started writing this post about 3 days ago and yesterday when I went to church my pastor spoke about this very same thing. He asked us not to judge others for the things they do as God only wants us to follow him and not to worry about a checklist of what we have to do to win his love. I was amazed as how God spoke to me to assure me that what I am writing is correct. I really don't care to offend anyone because I only serve one person and that is the almighty, so all others can condemn me because of my thoughts or actions all they want.
I've actually derailed from my original topic. My thought was as these people waste their time trying to make it a better place here on earth as it shouldn't because our stay here on earth is not permanent. They should be trying to help others and bringing them to God, one way would be helping the poor who are starving and their children are too. Or the battered women and children who the city and government try so hard to hide. Those are the one's who really need help, not to say others who have not come to Christ don't but it's not worth the time trying to fight a war that shouldn't be fought. Ok let me rewind for a second before you get all crazy on me... my statement is: Instead of rallying against companies who support gay people, are owned by gay people, commercials, exct. US as Childs of Christ should rally TOGETHER to help those in need of saving and showing them that believing in Christ is not a bad thing and that following him doesn't mean giving up everything you've ever felt or believed in, it's just a matter of walking in his ways without adding things to the word.
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Very well put
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